You seem like a guy who would enjoy Asterix comics, lol
You seem like a guy who would enjoy Asterix comics, lol
The Art is fantastic, and the humor far exceeded my expectations
This really pops color wise. I still think everything I saw before is true about this move. It looks impossible to break free of! I do think you were smart on saving the dynamic coloring for the climax and letting the movement in the smaller panels carry the work load.
Yea, at the end I went back and forth between adding more shading to the smaller panels and rendering the out like the big panel, but I like how this worked. I do wonder if this would have looked even better If I followed my original idea and made the smaller panels black and grey. It's been so long since I've done that though. I do have a charcoal brush and one of these days I want to try and see how a digital charcoal drawing might turn out.
On a side note, I accidentally deleted my NTWC bible. I had a Google doc with a quick rundown of all my characters, stable they belong to, relationships, personality, wrestling style and favorite moves. Now it's all gone. I got the desktop version of Google drive and it backed up everything I had in my pictures on my pc to my phone. That meant every single painting along with WIPs. So I had to delete all of it off my phone, so it would get off my drive and I accidentally deleted my bible. I do have all the information for major characters in the outline for Sakura Star, since I copied the entries straight into there, but there where so many side characters that were further explored in there. Oh well, if I ever did go back to these stories, It would be to rewrite them, so I would be making some changes.
Also any chance that the mysterious Sekuban Tiger will make an appearance on NG? The year has almost ended and I haven't met my Manatsu Goto fanart quota, lol.
It's crazy how you did the focus/out of focus aspect here. I know that was an aspect you were interested in trying and I'm wondering how yo feel about it?
Honestly I think this is closest I've come to making it feel like real pastels. It even works like an irl painting, were if you look at the screen closely, you see the different colors and especially in the hair, the unfinished feel, but lean back and look at it and it all blends in your eyes. The light and dark also worked well. I didn't use any actual black, with the exception of the hair and pupils, but instead darker reds. Overall I'm pleased. I think I got a good resemblance and the technique worked well.
Oh yeah. The colors on this one really pops.
I remember when I did this series, I started with a solid black background, so the colors would really pop against it. Two of them I weren't too dark on and they became hard to read. I want to do more with these characters, work on their designs a bit.
Hmm, I don't see to remember this one but at the same time I do? That's weird.
It was part of a set of four characters, that were they're own thing. I think the Jesus Wept piece was more memorable, since it is not my usual style. I really like how the light plays here though.
I'm curious on how wrestling content will play on NG. I've yet found that niche that people come to see here. Let me know how this does.
I did search Lucha on here. I got a through a lot of them, most fetish style stuff, just like DA, then started to see my own stuff pop up. I don't know if there are people who consistently do this type of art here.
I always thought this looked brutal
Yea, it has such an intense energy.
this is so cool
I wonder if you like green hair or blue the best? They both are on equal levels with me.
I've printed out blue hair and she looks good, but I think green hair will look better. It's hard to tell on these smaller uploads, but green hair has texture to the paint, unlike blue that is pretty smooth. I feel green has more of a hand painted feel, so I like her best.
University Graduate
Cair Paravel, Narnia
Joined on 7/9/23